Registration Troubleshooting
For Current UESP Students - Registration Troubleshooting
Once priority registration starts, we get lots of emails regarding registration issues. Here are some responses to the common questions we're see.
- I connected with my advisor, but I didn't get a registration pin. If you had your advising appointment to plan for fall term 2025, you did get a registration pin. Unless you and your advisor decided on some other method, It is likely in your MyDegrees Planner along with a list of class options you and your advisor put there. If you're not seeing it there, let us know, and we'll double check to see if we can figure out why.
- Oh yeah, that's right. How do I access MyDegrees?
- Log into your Beaver Hub using your Oregon State UserName and Password.
- Look for "MyDegrees" in your favorites. If you haven't favored this link, just search for "MyDegrees" in the search bar
- Once you are in MyDegrees, click the "Planner" tab. Click the hyperlink for your active plan. Your PIN will be likely be located in a comment added to your class list or you advisor might have added it to a comment in a note at the top of your classes list for the upcoming term.
- Still adjusting to the Planner, check out this whole series of videos on how to use the Planner.
- There's my pin, but it's not working when I try to use it. Make sure you are using the Pin that is in the “2025 winter" notes area. If you are copying and pasting, and it is not working, try typing the pin in manually. If you are not going through the "Schedule of Classes: Scheduler" to register, make sure you set the term to winter 2025 before you enter your pin.
- It says I can't register because I have holds. That means you have a registration hold. Click the "View Holds" link you see on that page to see the source of the hold and phone number you can call to get info on how to resolve it. You can also find this holds information by searching “View Holds” in Beaver Hub.
- Okay, I'm in, but I've forgotten how to register.
- See this site for details on how to use the schedule of classes to help find classes, create a cart that shows you days and times, and prepare a schedule to submit the registration system. In this tool, you can set your campus to search for “Corvallis Campus” or “Ecampus Online” or if you want to look at both, “Any campus” - Keep in mind - any classes that have section numbers of 500 are Bend campus and classes with section number of 600 are for international students in the INTO program. Classes with section numbers of 090 and 091 are restricted to students in the Educational Opportunities Program.
- Here are tutorial videos on how to add classes from the schedule of classes and how to add classes from the registration menu
- Why can't I register for more than 16 credits? In Phase I, the registration system caps you at 16. You need to wait until Phase II of registration to go above 16 credits.
- The class I want is closed, but it has a waitlist. Why is it not letting me wait list? The wait listing system doesn't become accessible until Phase II. At that point in time, if there is a spot on the waitlist, you can try to get it. Learn more about waitlisting.
- You keep talking about Phase II. When is that? Phase II starts at the end of week 10. You can find your Phase II registration date and time on the same screen that has your Phase I date. Forgotten how to access your registration dates? See the instructions on this page.
- I haven't had my advising appointment yet. Can't you just give me my pin? Advising in UESP is mandatory. It is part of the deal. You're allowed to explore options provided you meet with an advisor during peak advising for priority registration every term. We distribute pins during the advising appointment.
- Are there any exceptions? We have a one-time-only exception that potentially allows you to get your pin in advance of your appointment. It's called a Pre-Advising PIN Request. If you are interested in pursuing this, contact your advisor or call our front desk at 541-737-8144.
- The class I want appears to be open, but I'm getting a registration error message when I try to add it. The class potentially could have a major restriction (i.e. you have to be in a certain major to take it), a level restriction (i.e. it could be restricted to international students in the INTO program), a campus restriction (i.e. you may be trying to get a Cascades Campus class or class that is restricted to Ecampus students only), or require departmental approval (i.e. you have to get an override from the department message). You also could be missing a key component like a linked lab or recitation. Read the error message carefully. If you use the Schedule of Classes:New Scheduler to build your schedule, these error messages are explained.
- Okay, but I'm really having trouble getting into Math classes that appear to be open. Many sections of Math are restricted. See this web site to help you troubleshoot Math registration issues.
- I’ve tried all your troubleshooting advice, and I’m still stuck. Email your advisor. Their contact information is listed on our Advising Page or Directory.